February 2024 Virtual event Presentation

From Theory to Practice, Part 1

By Ariolfo Vázquez OD, FIACLE, Colombia
Edgar Davíla-García OD, FSLS, FIACLE, NCLE-AC, Puerto Rico
Andrea Monteleone OD, MEd, Argentina
Nikolas Rossé TMOC, Chile
Carlos Chacón OD, MSc, Ecuador

About the presentation

The World Council of Optometry, in partnership with CooperVision, hosted the Latin American multi-day virtual event, “Myopia Management: From Theory to Practice,” in February 2024.

Module 3, From Theory to Practice (Part 1), was originally attended by over 1,500 eye care professionals, and hosted by Dr. Ricardo Pintor.  

We kick off with Dr. Ariolfo Vazquez and Dr. Edgar Davíla-García discussing how to get started with patient quizzes and calculators, they are followed by Dr. Andrea Monteleone who introduces key elements of a standard procedure, Dr. Nikolas Rossé who looks at refraction and Dr. Carlos Chacón who presents the relevance of binocular vision testing. Module 3 ends with a Q&A session where almost 60 questions were submitted to our speakers!

Selected FAQ from the event

All the different myopia management calculators and tables mentioned today, are they available for anyone interested in using them?

Dr. Vazquez: Yes, all the tools I have recommended today are accessible in all countries. What is more, the MyKids Vision site and the Myopia Care tool have Spanish versions; in other words, they are very easy to use. The PreMo Risk Indicator, which I presented at the beginning, is in English, however, I have translated it and you can find it in my presentation by watching the recording.

Does myopia management, or control, exclusively apply to curvature myopia or axial elongation?

Dr. Vazquez: When we carry out myopia management we are acting against a primary myopia of axial length. In other words, we control for axial length. You may have curvature myopia at 45 years of age, but that is not what we are focusing on in myopia management, we focus on axial length growth, basically.

If you have an 8 year-old patient, currently in monovision spectacle glasses, and is -20D on both eyes, what treatment would you recommend?

Dr. Rossé: It is important to mention here that we do not have any myopia management research covering a patient population with such severe myopia; in other words, the evidence isn’t there. Myopia management aside, I would focus on genetic factors but also environmental factors that have resulted in such a severe level of myopia.

Dr. Monteleone: To follow on from that, I would like to highlight that the idea behind myopia management, and control, is to avoid the progression of myopia, in particular, beyond -6.00D. In fact, we should ideally begin myopia management prior to the patient being myopic.

What multifocal or bifocal spectacle lenses should be used for myopia management?

Dr. Monteleone: There is no scientific evidence to support that a classic multifocal spectacle lens, traditionally used in presbyopic patients, has a positive effect on myopia management. With multifocal contact lenses, yes, but that is something else.

Interested in learning more?


Prepared by the World Council of Optometry Myopia Management Resource Committee 2023.
The World Council of Optometry Myopia Management Standard of Care initiative is a collaborative partnership between World Council of Optometry and CooperVision.

WCO CooperVision® Myopia Management Navigator

Explore the interactive and educational resource for eye care practitioners worldwide

Soft Dual Focus or Multifocal Contact Lenses

Spectacle Lenses for Myopia Control



When to wear it

Children who are physically active
Ideal for very young wearers
Children disliking glasses and/or inclined to not wearing them full-time


Shown to improve confidence and ability to participate in activities.

Typically more availability for astigmats.

No wearing time during waking hours.

Optical correction is still needed.

* Excluding children frequently engaged in water sports.